Teams across East Hampshire recently ran multiple operations as part of a day of action in the district.

Officers from HIOWC Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Team, along with partners from East Hampshire District Council, Health and Safety Executive, HM Immigration Compliance and Enforcement and HIOW Fire and Rescue conducted a number of multi-agency visits to business premises in the Alton area.

The overarching aim of the visits was to identify and safeguard those at risk of exploitation, whilst targeting those who exploit others. Whilst no arrests were made, the police will continue working closely its partners in response to any Modern Slavery concerns.

Officers from the Eastern Neighbourhood Enforcement team also executed a fail to appear warrant, as well as a stop for no insurance, which resulted in the vehicle being seized and the driver reported for disqualified driving.

In Petersfield, officers were carrying out a plain clothes operation to target shoplifters in hotspot areas during the busy festive period. The operation led to the team gathering helpful intelligence around shoplifting in the area and the police will be carrying out similar operations in the near future.

The police said business owners and shop staff should not have to go to work and face harassment and criminal behaviour. They know the type of offending also has an impact on shoppers and local residents who visit the stores.

Police will continue to work hard to make East Hampshire a safer and more pleasant place for residents, visitors and businesses.