A free library scheme is looking for more people join the team as leaders to keep driving sustainability.

Alton Community Share provides free jigsaws, games, toys and activities, powered by the generosity of the community. It is run by the Alton Climate Action Network (ACAN) and takes place every two weeks in St Lawrence's Parish Centre.

It helps people of all ages to banish boredom while saving money and supporting sustainable living by re-using preloved items – reducing waste and carbon emissions.

Leaders Martin and Helen are stepping down and ACAN is now searching for one or more new people to lead Community Share into the future. There is flexibility for the new leader/s to shape the role, but it involves working with fellow volunteers to make the program happen on a regular basis.

Tasks ensure the smooth running of each session, managing the stock of toys and games etc, overseeing background administrative functions. Such as liaison with St Lawrence's EcoChurch and promoting the organisation through social media and other means.

No special skills are required, all you need is energy and a bit of time and willingness to give it a go. If you are interested, drop a line to Jenny Griffiths, ACAN Trustee, via [email protected].

Alternatively, visit Alton Community Share and have a chat with Martin or Helen this weekend on October 12 and 26 or November 9 and 23. Find out more online at the group’s Facebook page, via https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057276557169.