A date has been set for a crucial meeting that could confirm the end of Petersfield’s tip and recycling centre as a £138million funding gap has become even bigger.

The axe is being sharpened at Hampshire County Council as seven committee meetings will take place over the next month to decide where drastic savings can be made with 13 services.

More than 14,400 gave feedback in a consultation but the cuts were delayed as the general election meant a stay of execution.

But the shortfall is now expected to rise to £175million or more amid increased costs for social care, special education needs and school transport.

The meetings will take place between September 10 and 26 with highways maintenance and rural countryside parking coming under the spotlight next Tuesday.

The HWRC recommendation will be made on the 26th with proposals on grant schemes, library stock, social services, roads and transport, crossing patrols and lighting in-between, more details at www.hants.gov.uk