THE HUNT is on in Petersfield to find an ancient charter as the unprecedented step is taken to break with centuries-old tradition and change the date of the town’s Taro Fair to help save it.

Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of the 12th century charter, which gave the town the right to hold the fair on the Heath.

Historically, the 700-year-old two-day event, which in its heyday was the most popular on Petersfield’s calendar, has been held over October 6, the date thought to be laid down by the charter.

But as efforts to track down the original document, or a copy –?at the offices of the town council and at Winchester Record Office – have so far drawn a blank, councillors have made the bold decision to hold the now ailing fair at weekends from now on to give it a much-needed boost.

The charter would probably have granted the ‘right’ to hold the fair, but not made it an obligation, the council now believes.

As requested by JWS?Fairs, which puts on the Taro Fair, it will be held this year on Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, and in future years on the Friday evening, and the Saturday and Sunday closest to October 6.

This would be reviewed if the charter was found, depending on its content, said deputy mayor Cllr James Deane, or if there was a “public outcry” about the break with town tradition.

“I am a great one for tradition and I?would hate to turn over centuries of tradition, that’s not my style,” he explained. “But we have working mums now, and society has moved on. If we hold it in the middle of the week and make it more difficult for people to get to the Taro Fair, we will have no Taro Fair.”

He has been seeking the charter, and talking to residents who may have information about it.

Showman David Weeks (74), who has lived in Petersfield all his life, has fond memories of the Taro Fair but believes the move to weekends is necessary for its viability. He said:?“They used to give children the day off school on Taro Fair day. It used to stretch right across the Heath and stalls would line the High Street and Heath Road. I?don’t think people support the event now like they used to. The move away from holding the event on the same date each year is moving with the times – if the business is only there at weekends then that is when it needs to be held.”