St John's CE Infant School in Churt is no stranger to taking action to tackle the climate crisis and play its part in Churt’s long-term net zero programme to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050.
Governors, staff, parents and pupils recognise that while global warming and climate change are global problems, the contribution which every single household can make locally to reducing greenhouse gas emissions will add up to make a global impact.
St John’s pupils have already led the way in a number of initiatives. The village Earth Day 2021 challenge was to pledge one action to restore Earth. Pupils as young as five captured five ways each in their imaginative drawings.
In the 2022 Earth Day challenge they experimented with water filters, discussed the importance of water on the planet and pledged to value and conserve it as a vital resource to life on earth.
They have also planted a native hedgerow at school, and native trees in nearby woodland, to capture carbon and increase biodiversity locally.
Now the school wants to take it further and is joining more than 1,900 other schools in a national campaign to show support and help tackle the climate crisis by taking a Let’s Go Zero pledge, declaring the aim to become net zero carbon by 2030.
St John’s will be part of Let’s Go Zero’s national network of schools, sharing information about how to reduce carbon emissions, and working with councils and government to make it happen.
This year St John’s hopes to install LED lights, replace old windows, limit single-use plastics and help pupils understand more about food.
In regular lessons, at forest school and through community projects and talks, children will learn about growing, respecting nature, renewable energy and steps at home to make a difference.
To support the net-zero pledge, campaigns will be launched ranging from activities within the school to initiatives which will need fundraising.