Years of hard work came to fruition as A-level students opened their results on August 15.

Churcher’s College pupils in Petersfield were no exception. Gathering in the sixth form centre garden to see the efforts of their hard work. Sharing the moment with their families, teachers and each other.

More students achieved the top three grades A*, A and B than ever before, putting aside the three years of COVID adjustments.

Headmaster Simon Williams said: “It is like the Olympics, isn't it? You spend years preparing and then eventually the medals come and it's been gold and silver medals aplenty here.

“What a real achievement for one child may not be for another. But they've still exceeded their expectations and our expectations of them because they've worked so hard.”

There were six students with at least three A* exam results, twenty with two A* grades from their three exams and fifty with nothing lower than A* and A grades. 

Louisa Moor received a special congratulations from the Oxford, Cambridge and the Royal Society of Arts examination board. For achieving one of the top grades in the country in her fine art exam. She also got A* grades in biology, chemistry and her extended project qualification.

She said: “I'm going to Imperial to do biology, which I'm really excited about.”

Originally from Ukraine, Sasha reflected on his A-level experience. 

He said: “I got my passes at the University of Leeds, going for theoretical physics.

“I'm here from May 2022, the first few months it was quite hard to understand the accent. I didn't know some words, some formulation.

“In the end it was all right.”

Gap year plans were exchanged and parents looked on proudly as their children talked about their future. Before heading out for a day of celebration.