A council has objected to plans to build nine homes on a wildlife-rich “oasis” on the edge of Sheet.

But opponents of the Kebbell Homes application have been warned the village can’t keep resisting development – with some viewing the site off Merryfield Road as an ideal site for new homes.

The firm wants to build a cul-de-sac development on a greenfield site between Shear Hill and the northern end of Merryfield Road. Two-bedroom homes make up a third of the proposed development with pairs of one, two and four-bedroom dwellings also planned.

The applicants believe the site – surrounded by housing and close to the eastern edge of Churcher’s College – is sustainable and feel their plans are in-keeping with the area’s character and appearance.

But grave concerns have been raised about habitat and biodiversity loss as the site is seen as part of a wildlife corridor.

Objectors also fear approval could open the door to further infill development with further concerns being raised about poor access and loss of tranquillity.

“This development does not conserve or enhance the natural beauty and heritage of the area,” said objector Max Burridge during a Sheet Parish Council meeting last Tuesday, while Gethin Morgan-Owen highlighted the possible impact on wildlife, with jackdaws, raptors, owls and kites all being seen in the area.

He said: “Biodiversity will be degraded by 37 per cent in a national park – how can that be right?” 

The council eventually sided with opponents but some needed convincing.

Cllr Gail Martin said: “We do need houses – it’s nine homes and I think this is a logical place but having heard all the evidence tonight about the biodiversity damage to the site I’m thinking other things.”

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