Businesses in Petersfield’s Bakery Lane will not find out their fate this week regarding a planning application decision.

The Blacksmith's Daughter and Fez Baazar are under threat from a fourth planning application from their landlord.

The application was meant to be determined on Thursday, January 23 but has been postponed due to late representations and will be rescheduled at a later date.

If approved by the East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) planning committee, the current buildings housing the businesses will be demolished and replaced with a single story commercial unit.

Last year, Blacksmith's Daughter owner Kristina Cousen, said: “I’ve been here for 25 years and it's extremely stressful. If the landlord is successful, then he will be putting two very successful and small independent businesses out of business.”

According to official documents, 123 objections have been made against the application. Reasons given include the historic importance of the buildings, the resultant closure of businesses, and the loss of jobs.

One objection described the application as a “money-making scheme” and said it shows no “empathy for the people who make a living from them”.