At a rally in 1925 it was decided to use February 22 to help all members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) to think about their fellow guiding sisters and the promise they all make.
This date was chosen as it marks the birthday of both Lord and Lady Baden Powell, the founders of Guiding and Scouting.
Executive headteacher Michele Frost said: “It has been wonderful to see so many in their guiding uniforms – we have three members of staff, including Helen Meekins, the district commissioner of Haslemere, and over 75 student members of Girlguiding, and World Thinking Day gives them an opportunity to show their sense of belonging and pride in being part of the Girlguiding community.”
Anyone interested in joining or volunteering for Girlguiding UK should visit its website at: for further details.