STUDENTS from Bedales have gained university places at some of the most prestigious institutions in the world.

Many will go on from the Steep school to study at Oxford or Cambridge as well as Bath, Manchester and Bristol.

Headteacher Keith Budge said: “Hard work, commitment and perseverance have resulted in some excellent individual performances with the vast majority of students progressing to their chosen institutions.

“The diverse range of courses at some of the world’s most prestigious universities, conservatoires, art colleges and medical schools reflects the distinctiveness of a Bedales education and I am sure our students will be well equipped for the next steps in their educational journey.”

Martha Harlan who achieved A*s in English literature, religious studies, and drama and theatre studies, and B in history will attend St Benet’s Hall, Oxford to read philosophy and theology.

Anna Baring will read French at Wadham College, Oxford after gaining three A*s in English literature, French and Latin; and Julia Newlands who achieved A*s in biology, chemistry and maths will study biochemistry at the University of Bath.

Bedales students taking up places this year to study medicine include Ollo Catton at the University of Bristol after achieving an A* in biology and As in chemistry and maths.

Students bound for international institutions to study liberal arts and sciences include Eloise Anderson at McGill, Canada, who achieved two A*s in psychology and religious studies and A in biology.

Meanwhile, Lulu M Conville will study at Leiden University in Holland, after achieving an A* in English literature, A in history, and B in classical civilisation.

Many students will go on to study degrees in music.

Luca Caruso will study drums with a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music having gained an M1 – equivalent to an A – in Music Pre-U and an A in Spanish.

A significant number of students will continue their art and design education in the UK and abroad.

Fleur Connor, achieved two A’s in art and design and religious studies and a B in English literature to study fine art at the Glasgow School of Art.

Lola Crichton-Stuart has gained a design scholarship to Parsons, in the United States, after achieving an A* in art and design and a C in design and technology.