A POPULAR film and TV actress appeared in Petersfield to sign copies of her first book, The Olive Tree.

In her heyday Andria Lawrence appeared in big screen and TV films, television series, comedies and commercials.

Andria was at the Petersfield Bookshop in Chapel Street on Saturday to sign copies of her new book.

Petersfield Bookshop sales assistant Barbara Kelsey said: “The book signing went very well and we had a wonderful response with people coming in and out during the afternoon.

“Andria is a wonderful person and her book had excellent reviews.”

The Olive Tree, set at the end of the 19th century, follows the fortunes of a young woman, Emma Grey, from the East End of London who travels to Italy, where she meets Carlo Villarni, a wealthy Italian lawyer.

Andria is probably best known for her starring roles in the Hammer House of Horror films, Countess Dracula (1971) and Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974). She also appeared regularly in the On the Buses films and TV series of the same name.