There is only one week left for the public to have their say on a proposal to build new homes in Petersfield.

A planning application to build 85 new homes on land north of Buckmore Farm is currently open for consultation, but will close end of day Friday, March 14.

In addition to the housing, there would also be a green space and associated infrastructure, including internal movement routes and sustainable urban drainage features.

Developer Dandara Southern Ltd says the development would provide:

  • New housing in a sustainable location that will help meet housing need in Petersfield and the national park.
  • A mix of house types, sizes and tenures.
  • A landscape-led design with open space, new tree planting and habitat enhancement New homes that embrace sustainability construction principles, including the installation of energy saving measures and the use of air source heat pumps as a low carbon energy source.
  • The promotion of a pedestrian friendly environment, with the impact of vehicles reduced as far as practicable within the development area.
  • Provision of safe vehicular access from Winchester Road via Princes Road and making convenient pedestrian links with the public right of way crossing the site and with the Bell Hill Recreation Ground to the east.
  • On-site planting and biodiversity enhancement proposals.

But as with any planning application, concerns have been raised by residents, local organisations and authorities.

A recent objection read: “There is only a single access road and there is insufficient infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists to access the railway station and town centre.

“We remain concerned that the increase in traffic, and the existing dangers to pedestrians and cyclists on Winchester Road have not been mitigated.”

Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) objected to the application, citing concerns about active travel, bio-diversity and energy efficiency.

In its objection submitted last year, Petersfield Town Council said: “... satisfied with the site being progressed. However, the Council is concerned with the lack of compliance with the PNDP and 2020 planning permission’s housing mix, and with the lack of self/custom-build dwellings in the mix. 6.2.

“Furthermore, whilst we are generally supportive of the broad design principles of the scheme, we have highlighted fundamental deficiencies in the layout and access design and some unjustified departures from the development plan, particularly the Design Framework in the PNDP. 6.3.”

According to a recent comment from an EHDC housing development officer, the application now proposes 40 per cent on site affordable housing, an increase of 10 per cent from what was previously put forward. A tenure split of 50 per cent affordable rent, and 50 per cent intermediate housing is proposed.

Because the development may have a “a significant effect on the purposes for which the South Downs National Park has been designated”. The application will be determined by the South Downs National Park Authority and not East Hampshire District Council.

Application reference is SDNP/24/03588/REM.