To pay tribute and honour our armed forces, a celebratory flag will be flown above the East Hampshire District Council’s offices at Penns Place and by Hampshire County Council outside the Great Hall in Winchester.

At Penns Place the flag will fly until Armed Forces Day this Saturday (June 26), and in Winchester until sunset on Sunday (June 27).

The occasion is an annual chance to show support for armed forces personnel, from serving troops to their families, from veterans to cadets.

District council vice-chairman Cllr Sally Pond (pictured above with flag) said: “Showing our support provides a much-valued morale boost for the troops and their families, who are often stationed in far-flung parts of the globe. These men and women do so much to keep us safe and to protect our way of life.

“It’s wonderful to have an opportunity like this where we can join our voices in praise for the incredible work they do.”

District council chairman Cllr Adam Carew added: “We are enormously proud of our armed forces here in East Hampshire. Armed Forces Day is our opportunity to say thank you to our brave servicemen and women who do so much to defend our country and keep the peace in areas of conflict around the world.”

In Winchester, the Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, Nigel Atkinson, and the county council’s armed forces champion, Cllr Andrew Joy of Alton, raised the armed forces flag outside the Great Hall at a small ceremony.

The Lord-Lieutenant said: “I am delighted we are able to take to recognise the commitment and dedication of our military personnel and give thanks to veterans and families.

“Although we cannot hold a military parade this year, we can still demonstrate Hampshire’s gratitude, pride and strong commitment to the armed forces community by flying the flag.”

Cllr Joy added: “Hampshire is home to more than 20,000 serving sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen, and the largest concentration of veterans in the UK.

“Our armed forces personnel have always shown deep commitment to public service, often at great personal sacrifice, and this is an opportunity to show our respect and appreciation.”