Cricketers in an East Hampshire village are feeling over the moon with their new pavilion.

It’s all about chasing runs, rather than funds, for Clanfield Cricket Club now their £325,000 home at South Lane Meadow has been completed.

Ex-Clanfield Parish Council chairman John Bannell had the honour of cutting the ribbon to the traditional pavilion at its recent official opening.

Cllr Adeel Shah, EHDC portfolio holder for community development and engagement, also spoke about the grants given and the council’s support for the project.

Club captain Mike Collins was the driving force behind the project as the ball started turning on plans in 2020.

The club negotiated the demands of the covenant on the land and work finally began a year ago.

Developer contributions via EHDC covered £261,000 of the bill while both Clanfield and Horndean parish councils both supported the project through councillor grants.

Cllr James Hogan, EHDC member for Horndean Downs, provided the club with a £1,000 grant for insulation while John Smart and Chris Tonge, district councillors for Clanfield, gave £2,000 apiece.

Their handout went towards the fire and intruder alarm, CCTV and fire extinguishers, with the club also raising money through other sources and a crowdfunding campaign.

Villagers of all ages joined club officials, players and supporters for the official opening of the timber-panelled pavilion, which includes PV panels and a host of energy-saving features.

It’s been put to good use over the last month, anyone interested in joining the club should email [email protected]