A SERIES of charity triathlons has raised more than £300 for Liphook-based children’s charity Dreams Come True.

Tri-High Multi-Sports Club, the triathlon club for Liphook and the surrounding area, has been raising funds from its Try-A-Tri events during 2017, and presented a cheque to Dreams Come True volunteer Steve King at a Try-A-Tri event held at Highfield School in Liphook.

At the most recent triathlon last week at Highfield School, the club welcomed approximately 50 people aged from five years old to 65 to ‘try a tri’ while raising money for a worthy cause.

In the afternoon, 100 pupils, family and friends from Fernhurst Primary School also attended.

Tri-High Multi-Sports Club founder and chairman Barney Gray said: “It was inspiring to see so many children and adults taking part in this most recent event.

“Congratulations to all competitors and a huge thanks to the support crew, Dreams Come True and Highfield School for allowing us to use their stunning facilities.”

Dreams Come True is recruiting volunteers in the Liphook and Petersfield area. Anyone who would like information can call 01428 726330, visit the website at: www.dreamscometrue.uk.com or e-mail: [email protected]