Horndean Parish Council is looking at possible plans to enhance and upgrade the recreation facilities at Jubilee Park.

To fund the majority of the project, the Council will be be submitting a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bid, these funds are earmarked for new infrastructure projects that assist communities in dealing with the resulting increase in local demands.

According to the Council, the current offering at Jubilee Park is primarily aimed at younger children, and the scheme aims to provide facilities for older children and adults.

They are seeking comments residents on the following plans:

  • Installation of a wheelchair accessible Multi Use Games Arena (MUGA) on the site of the current basketball court
  • Creating a complete perimeter footpath that can be used for walking and jogging - pushchair and wheelchair accessible
  • Replacement of the outdoor gymnasium with calisthenic equipment

People should send their comments on the proposed scheme by post or emailing contacting [email protected] by this Friday, March 14 . Alternatively, residents can comment on the post about the plans on the Council’s Facebook page here.

The Council said: “Local public support for CIL funding is essential for bids to be successful and we look forward to hearing from you in this regard.”