VILLAGERS in Liss have been urged to use extra rail services if they come to fruition.
Proposals drawn up by South Western Railways (SWR), following the end of a consultation, include increasing the number of services stopping at Liss throughout the day during the week, and on Saturdays.
Revised and additional calls during peak and school times are also proposed.
SWR received more than 7,000 responses from passengers, customers and key stakeholders before its consultation closed at the end of last year.
Train planners have reviewed all the comments and have made changes, wherever possible, before producing the final proposals for submission to Network Rail.
The detailed timetables won’t be finalised until the SWR plans are reviewed and passed by Network Rail, but East Hampshire district councillor for the Hangers and Forest Ward, Keith Budden, is positive and has urged villagers to use any extra rail services created.
Cllr Budden said: “Myself and Damian Hinds have campaigned for this for a long time. I have spent many hours on this, but we certainly wouldn’t have been able to achieve it without Damian’s help.
“However, SWR will monitor how many people use the services, so if we don’t use them we may lose them.”
Cllr Budden also said that it’s been a long time since Liss had more rail services than it currently does.
Cllr Budden added: “The proposals were a pleasant surprise when I saw them, and we now wait for Network Rail to publish the timetables.
“Having two trains an hour Monday to Friday and on Saturdays would be absolutely fantastic.
“The last time I can remember Liss having two trains an hour is at least 30 years ago.”