A PETERSFIELD dog owner is urging fellow canine lovers to have their pets regularly checked after her Labrador became critically ill from a relatively common condition.

But thanks to a swift intervention by St Peter’s Vets, Lemmy the black lab is now fully recovered and was today able to enjoy his 11th birthday.

His owner Tina Knowles of Penns Road said: “He started to be sick, and it kept on happening.

“A scan revealed a growth on the spleen that could rupture at any moment, so the vets operated the next day, and all went well.”

Lemmy was part of the local Pets as Therapy scheme visiting residential homes and also Herne Junior school in Love Lane, but retired just before he became ill.

Tina added: “He has made a remarkable recovery and is more like his old self.

“I never knew about this common condition in retriever breeds, and I can’t thank the St Peter’s team enough for their amazing hard work, and dedication towards their patients and their owners.

“Please have your dog regularly checked as these conditions do not usually show that many symptoms; we got lucky and the vets acted fast.

“Also make sure your dog is insured.”