Clanfield Parish Council has seen some encouraging signs in the bid to put the brakes on speeding drivers. 

Villagers recently heard that CPC has applied for £3,000 in grant funding to pay for a Speed Indicator Device (SID).

The funding will come from three sources – namely the funds allocated by EHDC to district councillors John Smart, James Hogan and Christopher Tonge to spend on good causes and community initiatives around their patch.

The trio have welcomed the applications as complaints about speeding are regularly made at their councillor surgery meetings in the Clanfield Centre.

The SID, which can be used at numerous speeding hotspots around the village, will remind motorists of the speed limit and can also capture data that may support complaints.

Complaints were also made at the meeting about parents often showing “flagrant disregard” of the double yellow lines during pick-up time at the junior school.