A brand-new Aldi store in Petersfield opened at 8am on December 1 with Paralympics GB athletics hero Ali Smith cutting the ribbon alongside pupils from Herne Junior School.

The Frenchmans Road shop will be run by store manager Ricki Saunders, and a team of up to 40 staff from the local community.

Ali, a silver medallist at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, also gave away bags of fresh fruit and vegetables to the first 30 customers in the queue.

She then gave an inspirational assembly for pupils at Herne Junior School in Love Lane as part of the supermarket’s initiative, Get Set to Eat Fresh.

She said: “I had a fantastic time opening the new Aldi, and it was an honour to welcome customers.

“It was great to speak with the children about eating healthily and how it can be fun to plan and prepare meals as a family.

“Hopefully I’ve also inspired the pupils to keep active and to try different sports.”