Petersfield’s new police station is part of a wider commitment to residents across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Donna Jones is increasing the number of police officers across the county, enhancing their visibility and reestablishing links between the force and communities. Last year, she opened seven stations as part of this commitment, and Petersfield will be the latest.

Speaking to the Petersfield Post, Donna said: “I was disappointed the previous police station had been closed years ago.

“I've made a commitment to the public that they will be able to get into a police station, come to a front counter and speak to a police officer if they need to.

“I'm really pleased there'll be Neighbourhood Policing Teams and local investigation teams (CID). We've got car parking around the back for all the police vehicles, which is essential for a police station.

“Importantly, we'll have the town centre teams who are dealing with the shoplifters and really trying to protect the retailers and businesses in and around Petersfield.”

As the station prepares to open this summer, 90 new officers will be recruited over the next year in Hampshire. Donna describes it as “the highest number of police officers that we've had in over a decade!”

She hopes the new stations and recruitment drive will inspire young people to join the force and encourages them to keep a lookout on the careers section of the Hampshire Police website.

Donna added: “We need people from all sorts of backgrounds, religions and ethnicities and we want to get more women working in policing. Whether it be as a police officer or you want to train to be a crime scene investigator, or work in the call centre answering the emergency calls.”

The official opening date for the station will be announced soon.