A new planning application has been submitted for an industrial building next to the Esso service station in Ramshill.

The Place 4 Self-Storage proposes to change the use of part of the rear ground floor at Trademark House from Class E(g)(iii) (light industrial) to Class B8 (self-storage) use. With alterations to the car park layout, a provision of motorcycle and bicycle parking and installation of solar panels on part of the roof.

In addition, there are submissions for a change of use to a hairdressing and beauty salon and for a demountable storage platform.

The planning statement read: “The effect of the three applications would be to create office space in the front portion, for use by small, local businesses, and self-storage on the ground floor and mezzanine within the rear portion of the building.

“The Transport Statement has considered not only the planning application proposals, but the effect of the three applications together.

“Given the low levels of vehicle movements associated with self-storage, the revised parking and servicing layout would successfully accommodate all vehicles within the site that would be generated by the development.”

Previous planning applications have been listed for the site in the last few years, including demolition of the existing building and construction of 22 residential dwellings, comprising 15 flats and seven houses, and a commercial unit, provision of parking, waster storage and external landscaping.

There were also external alterations to facilitate subdivision of existing commercial units with associated parking and access works; both applications were withdrawn.

Comments on the previous submissions raised concerns about cars entering and exiting the site via the busy B2070 road, with Churcher’s College located opposite the building and the adjacent petrol station.

Consultation is open to Thursday, January 30 if anyone wants to comment.