To round off our series of articles marking the 50th anniversary of the dissolution of Farnham Urban District Council in 1974, here is a quiz to test your knowledge of all things Farnham. Answers at the bottom of the page (but no cheating!).

1. Henri de Blois, Bishop of Winchester, grandson of William the Conqueror began building the original Farnham Castle in which year?

a) 1038  b) 1138  c) 1238  d) 1338

2. The Farnham School of Art was established in the 1880s and eventually became the University for the Creative Arts but when did it receive University status from the Privy Council?

a) 1958  b) 1978  c) 1998  d) 2008

3. A weather vane on the top of the Old Town Hall Buildings (at the bottom of Castle Street) displays which well-known ship?

a) Cutty Sark  b) Golden Hind  c) HMS Victory  d) Mayflower

4. King Charles I stayed in Farnham for one night on his way to his trial and execution in London in 1649, but where did he stay overnight?

a) The Bush Hotel  b) Farnham Castle  c) The Bishops Table  d) Vernon House

5. In 1801, the population of Farnham was 4,321 and in 1901 it was 14,541 - but what is it closest to today?

a) 20,000  b) 30,000  c) 40,000 d) 50,000

6. The monthly Farnham Farmers Market, organised by Farnham’s town council, is ordinarily held on which Sunday of the month?

a) the first Sunday  b) the second Sunday  c) the third Sunday d) the fourth Sunday

7. The pioneering Farnham Repair Café normally operates on the second Saturday of every month but where does it happen?

a) Farnham Maltings  b) The University of Creative Arts  c) The Spire Church  d) The Memorial Hall

8. Harold Falkner (1875-1963) had a profound influence mainly in which sphere in Farnham for much of the 20th century?

a) the arts  b) architecture  c) journalism  d) music

9. The Farnham Literary Festival is a relatively new but high-profile annual event in Farnham but for how many years has it now been running?

a) three years  b) five years  c) seven years  d) nine years

10. A political reformer, William Cobbett is arguably the most influential person Farnham has ever produced but in which Farnham Inn (later to become the William Cobbett) was he born?

A) Jolly Farmer  b) The Kings Head  c) The Queens Head  d) The Royal Oak

11. Situated in the heart of town, the historic Bush Hotel has been welcoming visitors and guests since:

a) 1518  b) 1618  c) 1718  d) 1818

12. The first-ever Two-Minute Silence, now observed annually on Armistice Day, was held in Farnham in 1916, but where?

a) Gostrey Meadow  b) Farnham Castle  c) Castle Street  d) Council offices

13. Farnham has many sporting clubs to offer the community but which is easily the oldest, structured sports club in the Farnham area?

a) Farnham Bowling Club  b) Farnham Cricket Club  c) Farnham Golf Club  d) Farnham Town Football Club

14. The Victoria Garden in South Street, a hidden gem, is the site of a former Victorian:

a) bowls green  b) archery range  c) swimming baths  d) tennis court

15. West Street was the birthplace of Augustus Toplady, author of a very well-known hymn, which one?

a) Abide with Me  b) Love Divine  c) Lord of the Dance  d) Rock of Ages

16. Farnham has an impressive Arts and Crafts Heritage and was the first town in England to be awarded the status as a World Craft Town, but when was the award?

a) 1930  b) 1960  c) 1990  d) 2020

17. The Farnham Maltings is now a first-rate community leisure facility - it had been a brewery in the past but what was its function before brewing?

a) Blacksmiths  b) Tannery  c)  Carpentry  d) Weaving

18. One of the best-preserved examples of a working Victorian pottery left in England, the Farnham Pottery is located in:

a) Frensham  b) Farnham Maltings  c) Rural Life Museum  d) Wrecclesham 

19. The amazing Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice is currently fund-raising for a new hospice but the hospice concept was revolutionary when they first opened in Waverley Lane. What year was that? 

a) 1969  b) 1979  c) 1989  d) 1999

20. Farnham’s Mike Hawthorn was the first-ever British driver to win the World Motor Racing Championship (Formula 1) but in what year?

a) 1956  b) 1958  c) 1960  d) 1962

21. Waverley Abbey was the very first monastery founded in Britain by the Cistercian religious order but who now manages the site of the Waverley Abbey ruins?

a) Farnham Town Council  b) Waverley Borough Council  c) English Heritage  d) National Trust

22. The Farnham Leisure Centre offers wet and dry facilities for the community but how many badminton courts are there in the main hall?

a) Two  b) Four  c) Six  d) Eight

23. Hosting contemporary arts and crafts, the New Ashgate Gallery is located adjacent to which car park in Farnham?

a) Central  b) Wagon Yard  c) Upper Hart  d) Lower Hart

24. Amongst other events, the Farnham Lions organise the annual Farnham beer festival (Beerex) at the Farnham Maltings - and April 2024 is their:

a) 6th festival  b) 26th festival  c) 46th festival  d) 66th festival

25. Which of the town’s remarkable charitable bodies organises the annual Fireworks event in Farnham Park?

a) Farnham Round Table  b) Farnham Rotary  c) Farnham Rotary Weyside  d) Hedgehogs

End of quiz, thanks for having a go, how did you do?

21-25 is a gold medal score    16-20 is a silver medal score   11-15 is a bronze medal score

Honestly, 10 or less is fine – but, just a thought, maybe you’d like to read up on Farnham’s amenities and its amazing history, or even attend a Heritage Trail walk? We live in a great town.

*Questions sourced from the Farnham Town Council website and its links.


1.b     2.d     3.b     4.d     5.c     6.d     7.c     8.b      9.a     10.a     11.b     12.c     13.b

14.c     15.d     16.d     17.b     18.d     19.b     20.b     21.c     22.c     23.b     24.c     25.a

The King's Oak on Tilford village green is reputed to be "the" tree in which King Charles I hid while escaping from Parliamentary forces. That claim is disputed, but indisputable is that Charles I stayed in Farnham while he was on his way from prison in the Isle of Wight to his execution in London. But where?
The King's Oak on Tilford village green is reputed to be "the" tree in which King Charles I hid while escaping from Parliamentary forces. That claim is disputed, but indisputable is that Charles I stayed in Farnham while he was on his way from prison in the Isle of Wight to his execution in London. But where? ( )

Positioning the weather vane on top of the 1930s Town Hall Buildings in Castle Street, Farnham - but what is the ship?
Positioning the weather vane on top of the 1930s Town Hall Buildings in Castle Street, Farnham - but what is the ship? ( )