Petersfield Town Council is advertising for a town crier after the recent success of volunteer Faye Thompson (right) in promoting town events in the traditional fashion.

Cllr Paul Milner said: “Consequently, I proposed the town council established Petersfield’s first official town crier. The hidden value of a modern town crier is their effectiveness in promoting local charities, tourism and businesses, all of which could do with all the extra help we can give.

“ The role is predominately voluntary, apart from an honorarium of 300 guineas – a guinea is £1.05 – for membership of the Ancient Honourable Guild of Town Criers and for out-of-pocket expenses.

“Recently Petersfield showman David Weeks of Penns Road sadly hung up his glittery top hat for the last time and there is a space for a public cheerleader in Petersfield.

Research shows towns which have a crier say they are much loved and a tremendous boost to charities.”

The deadline to apply for the post of town crier is December 23, and details are on the council website at

Applicants will perform at an open town cry early in 2023.