Petersfield Town Council will discuss the Council Chamber and Rigging Project this Thursday (February 27) at a full council meeting.

The Council is currently in meetings with the contractor for the project, Simon Hunter from 6A Vision, its CDM David Brierley from Ridge, and the principle designer Jonathan Size from Foster Wilson Size, working towards the start date of the refurbishment, which commences on Monday, March 31.

This week’s meeting will discuss some of the proposed furnishings and fittings to see what would fit in with the Council Chamber and overall Festival Hall refurbishment, as well as the final meeting with all interested parties before work commences. This meeting will be held on March 18 in the Council Chamber.

According to official documents, total spending on the Chamber refurbishment is £392,314.30.

Works to strengthen the columns that the new rigging will rest on is being carried out in conjunction with the Council Chamber works, also starting on March 31 and will be completed by Monday, July 7.

More information about the update, can be found at: