TO CELEBRATE 100 years since Robert Baden-Powell started Wolf Cubs based on Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, Cub Scouts from across the Petersfield district enjoyed a fun weekend camp.

Around 70 youngsters from Petersfield, Sheet, Liphook and Liss camped at Walton Firs Activity Site near Cobham in Surrey to mark the centenary.

During the weekend, they enjoyed caving, archery, climbing and building and lighting open fires to cook pancakes and toffee apples.

“Using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to power drinks bottle boats also proved to be fun, especially when they backfired,” said assistant district commissioner (Cub Scouts) Melanie Robinson, of Petersfield .

There were competitions too and games in the woods.

“Adults and young people alike had a great weekend at the camp, enjoying the warm weather and sunshine, making new friends and trying new things,” said Mrs Robinson.

“The weekend showed that the ethos of Cub Scouting is just as relevant today as it was 100 years ago when the movement was founded,” she added.

To join as a cub, or get involved as a volunteer helper or leader, visit www.petersfie