A 1950s toilet block in Petersfield will undergo refurbishment work this spring after receiving a funding boost in January.

The Heath Toilets have been due for refurbishment for some time, with the last work done in the 1980s.

Thanks to a combination of £75,000 of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) and 106 funding, work can begin.

Petersfield Town Council approved the contractors Impact Construction last month to carry out the works and the work is expected to start in mid to late March. Alternative arrangements will be provided by the council while the work is carried out, and it is hoped the work will be completed by mid to late August.

Steve Field, projects and office manager at the town council, said: “The refurbishment will include ‘grey water storage’ for flushing, sensor taps, LED lighting and hygienic wipe down surfaces.

“The new facilities will include ladies and unisex cubicles, gentlemen’s urinals, as well as a baby and adult changing facility. The toilet building will keep its existing character with some added features to make the building more in keeping with the general surroundings.

“Solar panels are also being considered as an addition to these works, and this will depend on whether this is considered to be economically viable.”

An SDNPA spokesperson said the facilities are past their 'sell by date' and do not cater for the wide range of visitors to the Heath.

They added: “The project was successful for CIL money as it supports the SDNPA’s priority of ‘National Park for All’, which in turn supports our Purposes. Petersfield is a key town within the National Park, improving these facilities will support the area.”

According town council data, the site attracts between 350,000 to 400,000 visitors a year.