Tributes are being paid to the founder of a Petersfield charity that serves the community. 

Winton House Centre founder Joyce Perry MBE, passed away on September 6, she was in her nineties. She first formed the charity in 1980 and played a key role when it merged with the Petersfield Voluntary Centre (PVC) in 2011.

Charles Bevan, Chair of Trustees at Winton House Centre, said: “She was instrumental in the first few years of the new organisation.

“Since I joined Winton House eight years ago, Joyce has been in the background as the president. 

“But she showed constant interest in what we were doing and came to a lot of meetings and always took all our events.”

On its website, the charity reflected on Joyce’s contributions to Petersfield and the surrounding area and how her work continues to benefit people today.

Such as driving the formation of the Petersfield Voluntary Care Group and the PVC. In 2022, she was presented with a certificate of recognition in appreciation of her work.

Speaking to Shine Radio, Sheridan Rocher, Manager of Age Concern (based at Winton), commented: “During Covid we used to deliver her meals and things and she wrote a piece for one of our newsletters.

“She said, ‘always been a giver, always been there to help people in the community’. That has been her life’s work and she has left a fantastic legacy.”

A thanksgiving service for Joyce will be held on Friday, October 4 at the Petersfield United Reformed Church at 3pm.