Petersfield Post Office will be temporarily closed for a few days to allow some renovations of the premises at The Square.

It will be closed from Tuesday, February 18 at 5.30pm and will re-open on Monday, February 24 at 9am.

New Postmaster, Kalyan Kumar, known as Kumar by customers, is undertaking a refurbishment of part of the shop, which he took over in October.

An unused financial services office is being removed to create additional retail space for stationery, cards and gifts, making better use of the space alongside the Post Office.

Graham Brander, Post Office area change manager, said: “We apologise for any inconvenience caused to our customers during the work. The safety of our customers is of paramount, therefore, to allow for the building work to take place, it is necessary for the service to close temporarily.”

During the interim alternative branches include:

  • Froxfield Post Office, 13 Dellfield, Froxfield, GU32 1EH
  • Harting Post Office, 5 North Lane, South Harting, GU31 5PY
  • Rogate Post Office, West Street, Rogate, GU31 5HQ
  • Buriton Post Office, St Marys Church, North Lane, Buriton, GU31 5RT (Friday: 9.30am to 11.30am)