Petersfield residents will mark the anniversary of the end of World War II and to remember those who have fallen in all wars.
A small group is making a waterfall of poppies to cover the porch at St Peter’s Church and it will act as a backdrop for the Remembrance service held in The Square in November.
The group is looking for around 6,000 knitted and crochet poppies which will be attached to netting, to produce the effect of a waterfall, covering the whole of the church porch. Due to the significant scale of the project, support from the community is vital, not only to make the poppies, but to help with finance and materials.
Organiser Christine Rushton said: “We are hoping this to be an all-inclusive, Petersfield wide, community project perhaps including schools, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Churches, W.I. Bellringers, Lions plus all knitters, crochet makers and all!”
If want to get involved, contact the Parish Office at [email protected] or call 01730 260213.