A PROPOSAL to extend Petersfield skate-park is to be re-visited as permission has lapsed and it’s felt security cameras may be needed to try and curb anti-social behaviour.

The skate park is on ground owned by Petersfield Town Council (PTC) behind the football stadium in Love Lane.

It was installed by the Festival for Young People (FYP), who want to extend it so novice skate boarders and wheelchair users can also enjoy it.

But earlier planning permission for the extension has lapsed and needs to be renewed.

At the PTC meeting on February 22, members were asked to support a new application.

FYP spokesman Roger Parkes said: “FYP made the original application, and will look to extend that or repeat the process.

“We seek confirmation the council will continue to permit the use of the land next to the existing skate park for this.”

He added council support was also needed for a lottery application that would cover most of the £155,000 cost of the project.

He said: “The skate park has been a great success. But it is apparent beginners need less demanding features, and a wheelchair friendly facility would be greatly welcomed, and may even be a national first.

“The trial with wheelchair users was a great success, and we have received support from charities that care for the disabled.

“FYP plans to meet the cost through fundraising, we are close to our own target of £15,000, and through grants from charitable organisations, and local and central government.

“We are drafting a bid to the Heritage Lottery fund, and the council confirming the use of the land will be vital.”

But the earlier PTC grounds committee meeting of February 19, heard that CCTV cameras may have to be installed to cover the skate park, and the back of the stadium.

Members were told this was due to an increase in anti-social behaviour in the area, not necessarily attributable to skate park users.

The issues have resulted in police visiting the Love Lane playing fields, including the skate park.

And the council now says that the lapsed planning permission and perceived need for CCTV cameras has given members the opportunity to revisit the project.

Council spokesman Steve Field said: “The council supports the concept, but is uncomfortable with the level of issues around the area.

“So it has been agreed further discussion is needed.”

The security camera proposal will be discussed at PTC’s grounds committee meeting tomorrow (Thursday), 6.30pm in the Town Hall council chamber.

A date has yet be set to discuss the proposal to extend the skate park.