Petersfield Town will take their first steps on the road to Wembley this Saturday when they take on Baffins Milton Rovers.

But the journey to Portsmouth will be a poignant one for manager, Connor Hoare, as many fans will be walking it in support of the gaffer’s dad and his recovery from a horrific accident.

Dozens of fans and well-wishers will attempt to walk the 18 miles from Love Lane to the BMC Stadium in another of the club’s fundraising ‘Rambles’.

Fans of The Rams are raising funds for Darren Hoare as Connor’s father lost his right arm and needed eight operations following an accident at work in May.

Darren Hoare Petersfield Town Baffins Walk
Darren Hoare lost his right arm and needed eight operations following an accident at work in May. (Connor Hoare)

The operations affected the use of his leg and have had a serious impact on his mental health. He has begun physical recovery and is receiving counselling for trauma, but both treatments will take time.

Friends and supporters at the club would like to support Darren by raising funds for a prosthetic limb despite the prohibitive cost.

“We are hoping he will be able to make a recovery back to what his life was like before, and a prosthetic limb would be key to this,” said Connor.

“We know that we won’t raise all of the money for the very best, as they are £80,000, but anything towards getting the best one we can get will be a huge help.”

Fans who would like to join the walk should arrive at Love Lane before 7.30am while a £10 entry fee has been suggested.

Participants will walk as a group, as the walk will not be fast paced, with a breakfast stop at Rowlands Castle.

All money will go to the campaign set up by Connor in aid of his father, for more details or to donate visit