A group of volunteers in Clanfield have launched a petition against plans for 200 new houses on land south of Chalton Lane.
Ronald Smith, who is a volunteer for the village pond, created a Change.org petition today (Friday, February 28), titled ‘Prevent unsafe building development in Clanfield’, on behalf of the group.
Posting on the Clanfield Pond Facebook page, Mr Smith said: “The proposed development of 200 houses on green fields on Chalton Lane, Clanfield, is just 100 metres from the pond and Old Clanfield which has a much lower elevation.
“As a 20-year warden for Clanfield Pond, I have observed alarming trends in local water levels due to climate change.”
Mr Smith goes on to cite the following reasons:
- Persistent flooding: Clanfield Pond has remained flooded above the first step for much of the last three winters, unlike in the past when water levels would subside quickly it is no longer doing that.
- Chalton Lane flooding: During heavy rainfall, Chalton Lane becomes a river, with significant flooding around Nickleby Road, Pond Lane, and the Rising Sun bend. The pond takes the runoff from Chalton Lane and from Manor Farm but at times of high rainfall it’s at it maximum and there is a real risk of it overflowing.
- Flawed drainage plans: The proposed four drainage ponds/ditches should the development go ahead are positioned on high ground rather than low-lying areas, making them ineffective at capturing surface water.
- Drains are not cleared : Generally, all over the countryside drains and ditches are never cleared, the bottom of Nickleby Road does not have a proper drainage system. Instead, surface water drains into the pond through a drain pipe which gets frequently blocked and is cleared by pond warden volunteers. Pond Lane does not have a proper drainage system and that also goes in the pond through a channel which is kept clear and in place by the pond wardens.
- Long-term maintenance issues: Without proper maintenance, drainage ponds /ditches can transition into bogs.
On the petition itself, there are concerns highlighting the increase in road traffic that would generated by the new homes and the danger to children who walk along the roads near the proposed site to school. As well as the loss of more natural green spaces within the community.
Link to the petition at: https://tinyurl.com/Clanfield-petition-200-homes.