An application regarding a petrol station in Horndean is under consideration that would make changes at the site.
The Motor Fuel Group is proposing to demolish the car wash at the Morrisons Petrol Station on Lakesmere Road and extend the existing sales building, with new jet wash bays, a new combi unit, bin store and associated works.
There are no proposals in relation to the fuel infrastructure, which is located off-site.
According to the environmental site assessment, no complete pollutant linkages have been identified under the proposed development.
The report stated: “In view of the absence of identified complete pollutant linkages, the proposed development can proceed without further investigation/assessment.
“However, with regards to the proposed development SLR recommends that a watching brief is maintained during excavations and that an appropriately experienced environmental consultant is retained in the event contaminated materials are encountered.”
No design and access statement is required for the application as it does not fall within the statements listed in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 – Part 3, Article 9.
No objections or comments have been made on the application.