This morning (as I write this) I have just done my first morning media round as an opposition spokesman: a little shorter than doing the round as a government minister, seven interviews rather than nine or ten. 

At noon I was present for the first PMQs with Sir Keir Starmer answering rather than asking. 

This afternoon I had my first experience opening a Commons debate - on Education and Opportunity - as a shadow minister. 

Obviously none of these three ‘firsts’ is something I would ideally have wished for. But whether on the government side or in opposition, there is a great responsibility on all MPs.  

Going over to the other side of the Commons chamber means adjusting to a somewhat different, but equally vital, role.

Opposition is an essential constitutional function in our parliamentary democracy. The new government has a mandate, and a big majority, but it is important that what they do is scrutinised closely and that they are held to account for what they deliver.

I wrote recently in this column about some of what was in, and not in, the King's Speech. But this is only an outline of what the programme is set to be.

The Budget anticipated for the Autumn will be a key event. In these opening weeks of the new Parliament we are also finding out more about what the new administration’s priorities will be.   

There is talk of a possible announcement on the National Planning Policy Framework in the very near future. That could be highly significant for East Hampshire, especially if it means a full return to top-down housing targets. 

There has been talk too - so far not confirmed - that the government may even bring forward, sooner than originally planned, the taxation of independent education.

This is something I know is of concern to many local families and there are a lot of unanswered questions about the impact on state schools. 

These are just two examples of policy areas where parliamentary debate and scrutiny are going to be crucial. I am committed to playing my full part in fulfilling this responsibility as effectively as possible on behalf of the people of East Hampshire.