MORE than 120 girls aged four to 18 years old arrived at Petersfield Rugby Club on an overcast day for their East Hampshire Rainbows, Brownies, Girl Guides and Rangers divisional day.

The event at Penns Place was organised by club head coach Vicky Alexander.

She was supported by girls’ section coach Matt Land and Petersfield Rugby Tots head coach Alex Evans.

Vicky said: “Female participation is on the increase in most clubs nationally, as well as here at Petersfield.

“I’d love to encourage more female participation, which is why this divisional day was really important to be part of.

“Days like today break down barriers and gives girls, whose parents might not be rugby fans, an opportunity to try something new in a friendly environment with a female lead coach.”

The afternoon set the scene around female empowerment and using their bodies in an active and powerful way through the medium of rugby.

The girls in Year 4 and above all had the opportunity to learn some basic ball-handling skills and, most importantly, some contact skills which seemed to be one of the highlights of their day, Vicky added.

Matt said: “Encouraging the girls to be brave and try everything meant they got the most out of the day.

“What was encouraging was that at least 60 per cent of them had been introduced to tag rugby through their schools.

“We offered all skills, challenges and activities within the age-grade regulations.

“This often meant the girls were separated from their units and had to make friends quickly.”

Alex added the girls were a pleasure to coach and that he hoped there would be an uptake in rugby in these age groups to the club or to rugby tots.

He also said the girls had all earned their rugby badges, made new friends, had lots of fun and hopefully gained a new appreciation for rugby.

Mini-rugby coach Darren Evans said:“ It was an impressive sight and I’d love to see more girls take up rugby.”

For more information about girls’ and ladies’ rugby at Petersfield, visit the webpage at or contact Vicky Alexander on 07507 854568.