In its edition of 27th July, 2012 the Herald reported ‘Olympic fever hit Waverley last Friday when local Olympian Roger Black MBE joined six torchbearers for a triumphant relay though south-west Surrey’.

And Farnham townsfolk also helped carry the flame on its way to the Olympic Stadium through Berkshire, Dorset and Sussex too.

Erica Betton, who raised thousands of pounds for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, was the first to carry the torch through Slough, followed by Andrew McKenna, a young musician formerly of Weydon School and Alton College, in Poole.

Erica said her legs “were like jelly” but described the experience as “absolutely breathtaking”.

Gail Whattingham, who famously illuminates her house in Greenfield Road, Farnham, every Christmas for charity, was next to run with the flame through Easebourne, and said of her experience: "It was emotional, very emotional."

Dan Eley, who still fundraises for charity despite a life changing accident, and Austin Playfoot, who carried the torch before the 1948 London Games, took part in the relay through Godalming and Guildford on Friday.

And James Hardwick, the then-chairman of Farnham's branch of the British Heart Foundation, carried the torch through Richmond, helping it on its final journey into the capital. James described it to the Herald as “an unreal and fantastic experience”.

Besides the sporting context, there was also a 2012 Cultural Olympiad and local Paralympian, Rachel Morris, unveiled a ‘We Carried the Flame’ sculpture created in honour of all the Olympic torchbearers. Rachel also won a Paralympic Games hand-cycling bronze medal at the Games.

Many local schools staged special sports days to celebrate the Olympics, Farnham Sports Council established the Farnham Community Games – which the Games ambassador, David Moorcroft later described as the country’s benchmark event – and many Farnham residents attended both Olympic and Paralympic events.