The mercury may still be dithering but summer has finally arrived in Buriton as the village church is hosting a seasonal treat.

The Portsmouth Cathedral Choir will travel up the A3 this Sunday, June 23, to lead a Summer Evensong Service at St Mary’s.

The 6pm performance, which will be followed by light refreshments, is the latest highlight of an exciting and varied programme of musical concerts, services and events taking place at the church this summer and autumn.

Some of the area’s most talented young musicians and singers will show their class the following week as the church will host a Ditcham Park School Showcase from 2pm next Wednesday, June 26.

Future events include a performance by Tom Cooper and Penny Pettifor of piano music and songs by Robert and Clara Schumann from 2.30pm on September 22, and a piano recital on October 13 with Angus Robinson playing pieces by Grieg.