At the going down of the sun, the people of Liss remembered them as villagers turned out in numbers for a commemorative evening of fire, food and fabulous music.

There was a tree-mendous turnout at Newman Collard on Thursday evening as a day of events marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day came to a close.

A commemorative cherry blossom tree donated by Hillier Garden Centre was planted by Liss Parish Council chairman Cllr Keith Budden with a helping hand from some younger arboriculturalists.

Many picnicked while the Liss Band played before Terry O’Connor of the Royal British Legion read a citation ahead of a beacon lighting in an event organised by the Newman Collard Playing Fields Trust.

Uniformed RBL members, who marched from the Rake Road club to the park for the ceremony, also took part in a small service at the war memorial at 11am alongside many villagers.