A new accessible toilet block in Petersfield town centre has been given the seal of approval from two interns at Treloar’s.

The ‘changing places’ toilet in central car park is designed for people with disabilities and limited mobility.

The £160,000 toilet contains facilities not offered in standard WCs as the space includes a hoist, changing bench and room for two carers.

The district council developed a funding package with the Department of Levelling Up, Hampshire Countryside Services and the South Downs National Park Authority for the facility.

Hannah Martyn and Petersfield resident Joe Rush gave their thumbs up after being invited to the big opening.

Hannah said: “Knowing there is an amazing accessible toilet in the town is a huge deal for me.

“I can visit without worrying about the time I spend in town and I can do more when I am out and about.”

Joe added: “Having a well-equipped accessible toilet in town makes my life much easier as I don’t have to go home to use my facilities and come back into town again.”

There are an estimated 250,000 people in the country who cannot use standard accessible toilets so having a ‘changing places’ one in Petersfield is a big deal.

“This kind of facility will make Petersfield much more accessible for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets and need some extra support,” said Cllr Robert Mocatta, EHDC portfolio holder and regeneration and prosperity.

Hazel Wark said Treloar’s College is working with local authorities like EHDC through its ‘Let Me In’ project to make communities more accessible.

“We are always looking for accessible places to visit with our students,” said the assistant headteacher.

“The addition of facilities like these really makes our students’ lives better and enhances the opportunities for us to safely access the community.”