Hampshire County Council (HCC) has released an update on the Pulens Lane and Heath Road East improvements. Residents can now view the planned improvements on the HCC website.
The improvements to Pulens Lane and Heath Road East were identified as a priority by the Petersfield Strategy Group, which includes representatives from HCC, East Hampshire District Council, the South Downs National Park Authority, and Petersfield Town Council.
A Petersfield Town Council spokesperson said: “The decision followed concerns raised by the community about the high number of collisions and incidents at the Durford Road junction and the regular speeding along the route, with speeds frequently exceeding the 30mph limit, as confirmed by speed data collection.
“The proposed scheme will introduce a range of traffic calming measures, including raised tables and pinch points, extending along Pulens Lane and Heath Road East to the junction with Rival Moor Road.
“These measures are designed to improve safety for all road users and adopt a “healthy streets” approach, encouraging walking and cycling while preserving Petersfield’s natural environment and rural charm.”
“The overarching goal of the scheme is to enhance safety and accessibility for everyone traveling along Pulens Lane and Heath Road East. We look forward to seeing these improvements contribute positively to our community.”
The target is to commence construction in the first quarter of 2026. However, active collaboration with designers is ongoing to explore opportunities to begin construction earlier if feasible.
Residents with any questions regarding the project are encouraged to contact HCC at [email protected], quoting reference ‘Pulens Lane’ in their correspondence.