Two teenagers who left a trail of destruction in Petersfield town centre have paid a four-figure price for their drunken antics.

Many residents were outraged and dismayed by the late-night vandalism around the High Street, Pages Court and Physic Garden on Easter Sunday.

The culprits even filmed themselves with video footage of themselves damaging an A-board and pushing over a vintage lamppost being circulated online.

Sergeant Phil Rees has revealed that two men aged 18 and 19 have received a conditional caution for causing criminal damage to property.

The pair have been ordered to pay more than £1,000 in compensation to their victims and write a formal letter of apology to the community, which will be published on social media for the public to read.

The men are also likely to be barred from visiting any licenced premises in Petersfield for a yet-undetermined period through the town’s Pub Watch scheme.

Sgt Rees: “My team have worked hard collating all the available evidence from witness accounts, CCTV and interviews.

“At the annual town council meeting I promised to the community I would ensure those responsible would be made to put right the harm they have caused, and I feel the issuing of these cautions will do just that.”

He added: “I am sure most people have made poor decisions when under the influence of alcohol, but there is no place for this mindless behaviour in our community.”

“I am glad those responsible have been made to answer for their actions.”