A badge designed by a Whitehill pupil will be worn by schoolchildren around the UK after wowing judges in a national competition.

Woodlea Primary School has a national champion in its midst as Year 2 pupil Faye has triumphed in a Living Streets design competition.

The “UK Charity for Everyday Walking” runs an annual competition that encourages children to submit a design for their Walk Once a Week (WOW) badge.

Each month has a different design with the badge being handed out by schools around the UK to pupils who walk to school at least one day a week.

This year’s competition had a “different ways to travel to school” theme with lunch club member Faye opting for a unicorn on a “cloud of sundae” as her favoured mode of transport.

Around 30 pupils came up with designs with Faye’s being shortlisted by Woodlea’s headteacher and junior road safety officers. It was then submitted to Living Streets by Emma Duffield – with her design being picked ahead of nearly 200,000 others to make the final 11.

Faye’s design will adorn the July 2025 badge while the school celebrated her achievement by holding a special assembly.

Agata Blazevic from the Hampshire travel team and Juliette Cross from Living Streets both attended along with the charity’s mascot, Strider, in a memorable day for Faye and the school.

“All the staff and children at Woodlea are incredibly proud of Faye,” said a spokesperson for the school.

“Woodlea Primary School subscribes to the Living Streets scheme that tracks and encourages children to travel to school in a safe and eco-friendly way.

“If children do this at least once a week, they earn a badge for each month of the year.”

To see Faye’s winning design and for more details visit www.livingstreets.org.uk