The first phase of work begins this month on the site of a former care home in Petersfield that closed in 2014.

Bulmer House off Ramshill will be demolished to make way for a new 56 apartment extra care scheme and day centre with associated landscaping.

Since its closure the site has remained unused and attracted little interest from potential developers with applications rejected or falling through.

In his February report, Cllr Russell Oppenheimer said: “I feel that the imminent commencement of works is good news for Petersfield. The extra-care apartments will provide much-needed downsizing opportunities for people across the area and the day-care facilities will also be a welcome addition to the town.”

At present, the schedule is as follows:

  • February 2025: Start on site (demolition and tree works)
  • April 2025: Construction commences
  • Spring 2027: Practical completion
  • Summer 2027 onwards: Scheme occupied

The new apartment extra care scheme was a part of Hampshire County Council’s £45m pledge in October 2011 to create the development of schemes for older people over the next 10 years.

Extra care housing offers older people affordable housing and a secure place to live in a home of their own. Care and support staff are on hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week to meet resident’s assessed and emergency care needs.