A Volvo driver could be the most prolific speeder in East Hampshire after being caught 11 times in a month.

A study into speeding around Horndean has thrown up some alarming data as one vehicle was doing more than double the 30mph limit on a village road.

Five more were caught doing speeds of more than 50mph while at least ten motorists comfortably exceeded the 30mph limit on a village road six times or more in a month.

Horndean Parish Council have released the findings after installing an EHDC-sponsored Auto Speedwatch camera on Lovedean Lane in response to local concerns.

And those concerns seem valid with the camera catching 80 to 100 speeding incidents a day above 34mph.

Nearly 30 per cent of drivers heading south towards Cowplain were caught caught exceeding 35mph while 19 per cent of offences were above 40mph.

A grey Honda CRV topped the chart with 66mph at 9.45am on Monday, July 7 while an orange Honda Jazz was also caught doing 51mph at 8.45am – school drop-off time.

Five more vehicles were snapped doing 50 to 52mph with most incidents taking place during work and school run times while a “significant number” involved commercial vehicles.

A black Volvo XC60 driver was the most persistent offender with 43mph being the highest of 11 offences, followed by a white Vauxhall Movano with ten offences and a top speed of 48mph.

Data recorded by the cameras and supplemented with DVLA information is shared with the police and South of Butser Speedwatch.