More houses will be built in Horndean over the next few years after being given the green light.
EHDC’s planning committee approved 109 dwellings with associated access road, drainage, landscape and open space provision, on land between Catherington Lane And Five Headss Road last week on January 23
Although the committee wanted to refuse the application, the pressure of the Government’s new mandatory housing targets loomed large.
Cllr Elaine Woodard for Horndean Murray said at the meeting: “This is an important site, if you look from Horndean it comes up from Cowplain, goes into Clanfield and it's just one urban sprawl.
“I think some of the objections might be totally different depending on which side of the site you’re coming from.
“If we turned it down and it went to appeal, my real concern is that the developer would be successful and we may get a worse development.
“Although my heart is saying no to this site, my head is having to overrule and say that I can’t see any grounds as a planning committee for us to turn it down.”
After a discussion lasting just over an hour and a half, the committee gave its reluctant but unanimous approval.
Previously, EHDC leader Cllr Richard Millard criticised Labour’s housing number increase, saying: “We have always taken our responsibilities seriously and set out detailed concerns about this in the summer in response to the Government’s consultation.
“Rather than moderating its proposals, the Government increased the housing number further. This is a hugely disappointing outcome for us as a council and for our residents.
“It leaves East Hampshire with a massive challenge, facing significant amounts of new housing in our villages and towns.”