A fascinating photograph has surfaced showing a steam train crossing a bridge on the long-closed Bordon Light Railway - but its exact location remains a mystery.

Peeps into the Past is appealing to readers to help solve the puzzle.

The archive image shows locomotive 30027 crossing a bridge somewhere along the Bordon Light Railway, which once connected Bordon with Bentley on the Waterloo main line.

The train is clearly seen passing over the structure, with a distinctive building visible through the arch. However, the precise whereabouts of this crossing remain uncertain.

Peeps wonders is this bridge could be linked to the railway’s crossing of the modern-day B3004 at Kingsley?

The Bordon Light Railway opened in 1905 to serve the local military garrison and closed to passengers in 1957, with freight services ending in 1966.

During its heyday, the line not only transported troops and equipment but also played a vital role in moving supplies to and from the extensive Longmoor Military Railway network.

If you recognise the bridge or can offer any insight, please get in touch! Email us at [email protected]

A fanfare for the trumpeter of Selborne!

Peeps was thrilled learn that as a result of our recent article on the ‘Trumpeter of Selborne’ and his small role in the 1830 Swing Riots, the Museum of Farnham has now completed the story of how the trumpeter’s wooden grave marker came to be located next to the drainpipe at the front of the museum.

Loath are we to steal their glory by spilling the beans here - so by all means book onto a guided tour at the lovely Willmer House museum in West Street and find out for yourself!

Tours are run on the second Saturday of every month. More at http://www.farnhammaltings.com/museum or call 01252 715094.