A film trail has been launched on the South Downs Way, with 10 viewing posts installed.

Each linked to someone connected to the 100-mile trail which runs across the top of the chalk hills between Eastbourne and Winchester.

South Down National Park - Your National Park Map Trail
See the South Downs Way afresh with a film trail. Stories add new elements to popular attraction (South Down National Park )

The trail, called ‘Your National Park’, includes stories of a forester, a ranger, a teacher, an artist and a butterfly conservationist It takes in popular spots such as Old Winchester Hill, Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Truleigh Hill and Seven Sisters.

It is 75 years since National Parks in the UK were created. However, the South Downs Way has existed for far longer, as Andy Gattiker, who leads access in the National Park, said: “Humans have been walking the South Downs Way for over 5,000 years, so people have had a personal connection with this amazing landscape for millennia.

“This new trail adds a new fun element to walking, cycling, horse-riding or running the South Downs Way. Which of course many people take on in sections, while others take on the entire 100 miles in one go.

“To watch the different films, walkers simply scan the QR code on the post that then links to the film on their mobile or tablet.

“The question at the heart of these lovely films is ‘What makes the South Downs National Park yours?’ People often have different reasons why they enjoy the South Downs and want to care for it and it’s great to be able to celebrate that diversity.”

For further information visit www.southdowns.gov.uk/your-national-park/