Are you a youngster with the write stuff? Do you have an eye for a good photograph?

If you answered ‘yes’ to either of these questions, then the Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) would like to hear from you.

The town’s greenest networking group has launched a young writers competition with fiction and non-fiction categories for ages 7-11 and 12-16.

A photography competition has also been launched with all winners being announced at the Petersfield Eco Fair on July 14.

The young writers competition has been designed by PeCAN trustee Suzie Wilde as the writer and teacher has always been impressed with the gentle awe for nature expressed by children.

The non-fiction category has a “ten minutes in nature” theme with writers encouraged to use their senses to describe a special place or experience in nature in under 250 words.

The fiction category has a “green flash fiction” theme and a 400-word limit. Submissions should describe a world where climate, sustainability, rewilding and recycling are part of the picture, but not the whole story.

Prizes for the winning non-fiction and fiction authors will be provided by PeCAN and One Tree Books, respectively.

PeCAN have teamed up with Visit Petersfield to run a photography competition to celebrate everything being done locally to help nature and mitigate climate change.

The competition is open to amateur and professional photographers with sections for adults, 11-18 years and under 11s. Entries must be submitted by midnight on Sunday, June 23, visit for more details.